
Value based corporate culture

The basis of respectful interaction

In order to ensure our long-term success, we have defined six corporate values ​​that form the foundation of our corporate culture and which we use in our daily interactions with each other and third parties.


High professional standards are the quality benchmarks for the performance of our consultancy. Everybody is personally obliged to first class performance and is personally liable of his or her area of responsibility. Our employees are dedicated to entrepreneurial thinking and acting for the benefit of Baldinger und Partner. This is the only way to provide excellent service with innovative solutions on a high level. Only this will assure our consultancy’s successful long-term existence.


Mutual respect is the key factor in our day-to-day business. Everybody must respect the role, achievements, experiences and the individuality of every single person. Thus we ensure humanity in an organization that is facing growing competition and economic pressure to succeed. Every single person has a place in the team and is accepted as an individual no matter what gender, age or position. We support personal development and respect and encourage professional objectives.


At Baldinger und Partner we comprehend integrity both internally and externally.

By internal integrity we understand our employees’ obligation to identify with the consultancy and be loyal to the partners. Integrity is reflected in the personal behaviour of every single employee and the way he or she creates and shapes the image of our consultancy.

By external integrity we understand the obligation to be impartial, independent and discreet. These personal qualities are the pillars of our professional group as we depend on the trust of clients, authorities and the public.

Team spirit

Each individual is aware that the team as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We believe that sharing knowledge, experiences and information benefits everyone. This includes open communication and a feedback culture. We cultivate a culture of dialogue with the qualities that this requires: critical ability, sensitivity and courage in difficult situations. The team spirit of Baldinger und Partner is based on fairness, recognition and mutual trust, active listening and honesty. Each individual can and must make their own personal contribution to a positive working atmosphere.

Role model function

A leadership position involves a great deal of responsibility beyond the actual tasks. Anyone who leads must be aware that they are not only a leader, but also a role model for others. Not just at work, but also in terms of his mental attitude and interpersonal behavior. Leadership is by no means a question of position. Great strength arises where each individual is aware of his or her responsibility for the behavior and motivation of all. At Baldinger und Partner we promote this awareness and demand that our employees and partners act as they expect others to.


The needs of our clients have a major impact on our way of thinking and on our actions. We are monitoring the development of the legal framework conditions and their consequences impartially and with a critical view. It is our responsibility to find the best possible solutions for our clients.
We offer a working environment in which everyone can be successful and develop. This is our responsibility towards our employees. In return, we expect that our employees take on and live the responsibility that they are entrusted with. This responsibility does not end in case of illness or other unforeseen occurrences. Every single person has to make sure that the obligations towards our clients can be met anytime no matter what happens.

Business hours

8.00 a.m.-5 p.m.

8.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m.


Company holidays

02.05.2025, 30.05.2025, 20.06.2025, 29.12. 2025, 30.12.2025, 02.01.2026 and 05.01.2026

Outside business hours please use our letter box on the right-hand side next to the main entrance. 

Since its foundation in 1980, Baldinger und Partner has been active in all fields of tax advisory, management consulting and auditing. Thus we are able to offer our clients integrated solutions from one source.



Business hours

8.00 a.m.-5 p.m.

8.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m.


Company holidays

02.05.2025, 30.05.2025, 20.06.2025, 29.12. 2025, 30.12.2025, 02.01.2026 and 05.01.2026

Outside business hours please use our letter box on the right-hand side next to the main entrance.